organic waste to compost machine

Second Generation Organic Waste Composting Machine – What makes it different from the conventional one

By CbS | 26-May-2021 | Second Generation Organic Waste Composting Machine – What makes it different from the conventional one? We here at Cbs along with manufacturing of Filtration Machines for Industrial Oil also offers a wide range of Organic Waste Composting Machine which comes under our second manufacturing division which is Waste Energy Equipment Division under which we manufacture Bio Toilets, Mobile Toilet Van,  with lots of modern and easy to use technologies. Second Generation Organic Waste Composting Machine – What makes it different from the conventional one? We have developed something new and totally different from the conventionalOrganic Waste Composting Machine (OWCM), which we are calling . But before going into deep about  let us know about conventional OWCM.  Conventional Organic Waste Composting Machine  (OWCM)  machine consists of Crusher / Shredder, a composting tank, heating system (could be thermo-pad, ceramic, thermic oil, etc.), blower unit, gear system and a control panel. This machine takes upto 24 hours for processing the organic waste into compost, the process includes the continuous heating of the shredded waste inside the composting tank upto a prescribed limit. This means the heating system will always have to be on electricity which increases the power consumption but also the operational cost of the machine which is the major drawback of the conventional OWCM.

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