Corporate Trainings
Free Industrial / Insulating Oil Awareness Sessions
We are the Authorized Total Fluid Management provider by IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited), and we are providing free training sessions on Industrial oil and Insulating oil, covering the oil’s basics, oil related problems, proper oil handling, how to maintain oil usage and the profit involved by knowing our oil.
We are organising free training sessions on every month’s 2nd Saturday at CbS, Greater Noida. And free “Corporate Training” at your location on any day.
For Registration and more details feel free to contact us:
Mr. Vaibhav (+91-8826994627), Mr. Shan (+91-8826994634)
Free Awareness Training Session on Waste to Energy Technologies
We are also providing free training sessions on various waste to energy technologies such as Rain Water Harvesting, Ground Water Recharge, Waste to Compost, Vermi Compost, Waste to Cooking gas and CNG, Bio Toilets and Bio Digesters.
We are organising free training sessions on every month’s 1st Saturday at CbS, Greater Noida. And free “Corporate Training” at your location on any day. For Registration and more details feel free to contact us: Mr. Surya Prakash Gangwar (+918826694763)
Corporate Training
Corporate Training
- Oil Awareness Training Sessions:
CBS Technologies is proud to be an authorized Total Fluid Management provider recognized by IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited). As part of our commitment to knowledge dissemination, we offer complimentary training sessions on Industrial oil and Insulating oil. These sessions cover fundamental aspects of oil, common problems associated with its usage, best practices for oil handling, strategies for optimizing oil usage, and the associated profitability. Our dedicated oil expert is available to address any inquiries related to oil management.

2. Waste to Energy Training Sessions:
In addition, we provide complimentary training sessions focusing on a range of waste to energy technologies, including Rainwater Harvesting, Groundwater Recharge, Waste to Compost, Vermicompost, Waste to Cooking Gas and CNG, Bio Toilets, Bio Digesters, and Sewage Treatment Plants. These sessions aim to educate participants on innovative approaches to waste management and energy generation.
For registration and further details, please do not hesitate to contact: Mr. Surya Prakash Gangwar Phone: +918826694763
Join us as we explore sustainable solutions for a greener future
Corporate Training
1. Oil Awareness Training Sessions:
CBS Technologies is proud to be an authorized Total Fluid Management provider recognized by IOCL (Indian Oil Corporation Limited). As part of our commitment to knowledge dissemination, we offer complimentary training sessions on Industrial oil and Insulating oil. These sessions cover fundamental aspects of oil, common problems associated with its usage, best practices for oil handling, strategies for optimizing oil usage, and the associated profitability. Our dedicated oil expert is available to address any inquiries related to oil management.

2. Waste to Energy Training Sessions:
In addition, we provide complimentary training sessions focusing on a range of waste to energy technologies, including Rainwater Harvesting, Groundwater Recharge, Waste to Compost, Vermicompost, Waste to Cooking Gas and CNG, Bio Toilets, Bio Digesters, and Sewage Treatment Plants. These sessions aim to educate participants on innovative approaches to waste management and energy generation.
For registration and further details, please do not hesitate to contact: Mr. Surya Prakash Gangwar Phone: +918826694763
Join us as we explore sustainable solutions for a greener future